Both of these factors become the cause of code interference in the activity of retelling the text of folklore. Factors that influence the interference of the code in the activities of telling the folklore that is the habit that comes from the background of the family environment and school environment. Sugeng Ndalu Kanca Sedaya, Bagi Teman-Teman Yang Sedang Mencari Referensi Naskah Drama Bahasa Jawa 6 Orang langsung Saja Bisa Kita Simak Bersama Di Bawah Ini. Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Jawa 7 Orang It also will include a picture of a kind that might be observed in the gallery of Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Jawa 7 Orang. The first is the form of vocabulary, the repetition of words, and the last phrase form. The results showed that the mixed form with the function there are three. naskah drama 6 orang,drama yaitu tontonan yang lebih menonjolkan percakapan atau diaolog dan gerak-gerik pada pemain di panggung. Data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis technique transcript retelling and descriptive percentage of questionnaire. Mulai dari naskah drama komedi, naskah drama persahabatan, naskah drama pendidikan, naskah drama kehidupan sehari-hari, naskah drama cerita rakyat, naskah drama bahasa jawa, dan naskah drama di sekolah. Nah dalam artikel ini kita akan coba mengulas tentang berbagai macam naskah drama.

antara 6 sampai 8 tahun sementara bocah pria 10 sampai 12 tahun. Mungkin kalau di ingat-ingat lucu juga yah. Data collection techniques used documentation techniques, references, interviews and questionnaire dissemination. Kata ramai orang macam bahasa budak WeChat. The approach used is qualitative approach. Luwih becik digarap dewe tanpa nyonto apa wae hasile yen dilakoni kanthi temenan mesti bakale sae. Komentar tentang tata bahasa Jawa oleh mendiang A. The purpose of this study is to know the form or form that accompanied the functions and factors that influence the interference of the existing code in the activities of retelling the folklore. Nasehat saka naskah drama bahasa jawa 6 orang ana ing nduwur: Dadi murid iku aja seneng nyonto lan turunturunan marang liyane merga kui ora apik tumrap masa depane kita kabeh. Berikut adalah naskah Jawa terpilih yang dianggap langka atau penting dalam sejarah sastra dan budaya Jawa. The problem that existed in SMP N 32 Semarang is the interference of code or the insertion of Indonesian language into the Java language.

Retelling folklore is one of the Java language learning in class VII.