Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business (2005).Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Teens: The Secrets About Money – That You Don't Learn in School! (2004) ISBN1-9.Rich Dad's Who Took My Money?: Why Slow Investors Lose and Fast Money Wins! (2004) ISBN2-8.
You Can Choose to be Rich (2003) 12-CD Audio series with three books.Rich Dad's The Business School: For People Who Like Helping People (2003) ISBN979-686-729-X.Rich Dad's Prophecy: Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming… and How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It! (2002).Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich (2002).Rich Dad's Rich Kid, Smart Kid: Giving Your Children a Financial Headstart (2001).The Business School for People Who Like Helping People (March 2001).

In 2015, advocating the purchase of gold, Kiyosaki predicted in his seminars in Philippines that there would be an even bigger financial crash in 2016 which would be worse than the 2008 crash. He stresses the importance of building up an asset first to fund one's liabilities instead of saving cash or relying on a salary from a traditional job. Kiyosaki argues that financial leverage is crucial in becoming rich despite the risks from utilizing leverage to achieve financial independence.

He defines 'liabilities' as things that devour cash out of one's pocket, such as one's personal residence, consumer loans, car loans, credit card payments, and student loans. He states that assets generate cash inflow, such as stock dividends, rental income from properties, or income from businesses. Kiyosaki uses the term 'assets' for things that put money in one's pocket. He has a series of authors and other 'experts' that he often cites as 'Rich Dad Advisors' on real estate investing, financial planning, and avoiding taxes. Kiyosaki's financial and business teachings focus on what he calls 'financial education': generating passive income by focusing on business and investment opportunities, such as real estate investments, businesses, stocks and commodities, with the goal of being able to support oneself by such investments alone and thus achieving true financial independence. This includes Rich Dad LLC, Whitney Information Network, Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Academy. Kiyosaki operates through a number of companies that he owns fully or in part, and through franchisee arrangements with other companies authorized to use his name for a fee. Kiyosaki resigned after six months to join the Marine Corps, serving as a helicopter gunshippilot during the Vietnam War in 1972, where he was awarded an Air Medal. After graduating from college, Kiyosaki took a job with Standard Oil's tanker office as a third mate. He attended the United States Merchant Marine Academy in New York and graduated in 1969 as a deck officer with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as a 2nd Lt. As per Kiyosaki, he received congressional nominations from Senator Daniel K. Thereafter, most information on Kiyosaki comes from speeches and talks he has made of his life.

He attended Hilo High School and graduated in 1965. Kiyosaki was followed by his three siblings - sisters Emi and Beth, and his brother John. Kiyosaki (1921–1971), a registered nurse. Kiyosaki (1919–1991), an academic and educator, and Marjorie O. A part of the Yonsei generation of Japanese Americans, he was the eldest son of Ralph H. Robert Toru Kiyosaki was born on 8 April 1947 in Hilo, Hawaii.