
Starcraft 2 void
Starcraft 2 void

We're constantly bouncing ideas off each other. And because we're using the same editor it's easy to see something in their game and put it in our game. No reason is given as to why she waits 2 years. The ending is fucking retarded and heres hoping its never mentioned again so we can move past it and forget it ever happened. We'll see what they're doing, their battlegrounds and they'll see our missions. The reason she doesnt look like a xel naga is because blizzard didnt want to turn their waifu into a freaky tentacled space elephant. It's been really fun as a developer to play their game and give feedback. With the case of Artanis, we were able to provide feedback on the development but they had the final decision on what was best for them. We're fortunate in that the Heroes team and the StarCraft team are basically the same team. Are you involved in how they get presented?**Yeah, a little bit. **We've already seen StarCraft characters popping up in Heroes of the Storm. Still, it's a great time to get into the game. There's a lot of story so far and there are movies to help you catch up but the story is a little dense. If you're interested in the story it would make more sense to do it in that order but if you really like the Protoss you can start with Legacy of the Void. It sets you up so that you understand how the three races play and you can do the campaigns in any order - though obviously we would encourage you to play Terran first. We've changed them so it's a more story-driven experience.

starcraft 2 void

If you're interested in multiplayer we have that for you but the tutorials are still a good way to learn the three races. We've re-done the tutorial and we dig the training mission.

starcraft 2 void

**Even with gameplay tweaks, can players reasonably get invested, with Legacy of the Void being the last of three chapters?**Everything's a stand-alone.

Starcraft 2 void